Posted by Michael Thornhill on 2023 Dec 13th
This post is about Thermal Transfer Grades
Our manufacturer will have a ribbon to match well with your labels and meet your requirement in image sharpness, optical density, printing speed and print durability.
Call us (1-844-505-1155) for help on choosing the right ribbon.
How to pick a ribbon depends on the material it will print on and the surrounding environment.
Performance Wax
A classical wax-quality ribbon material, it has low melting point, high contrast, suitable for printing on labels with standard shelf – life. Suitable for label materials such as papers, raw vellum paper, and cardboard.
Premium Wax
A best wax quality ribbon material with high pigment density, it has been known to offer good mechanical resistance, high resolution for small fonts, universally applicable to most label materials, with excellent printout quality. Suitable for label materials such as vellum, coated paper, cardboard labels and also on synthetic films.
Performance Wax/Resin
An all-purpose wax/resin quality ribbon material require little to medium energy or high speed (up to 300 mm/ second). It has good smear, scratch and partially chemical resistance. Suitable for label materials such as coated paper, vellum, cardboard with glossy or matt surface, synthetic materials PE, PP, PVC…etc.
Premium Wax/Resin
A premium grade wax/resin quality ribbon materials applicable for nearly all materials and surfaces. Excellent resolution, chemical resistance, high sensitivity, dark printout, and long lasting product labeling for higher demand on resistance. Suitable for label materials such as coated paper, vellum, cardboard with glossy or matt surface, synthetic materials PE, PP, PET, PS, PVC…etc.
Premium Resin
It has the highest mechanical demands and very good resistance against chemicals and solvents. Extremely fine and high resolving printout, suitable for 600 dpi printers. Recommended for printing on film, synthetic materials PE, PP, PET, PS, PVC acetate with glossy or matt surfaces, polyester. Not recommended for vellum and coated paper.